Undergraduate Phase
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Application Requirements
- Applicants must complete the sophomore year in college and acquire college grades (Advanced Placement credit unacceptable) for the following prerequisite course work (or be in the process of completing):
- 8 credits biology (with lab)
- 8 credits freshman/general chemistry (with lab)
- 8 credits of either physics or organic chemistry (both with lab)
- 3 credits college math (college algebra or higher satisfies the math requirement)
- Additionally, applicants must:
- Present academic credentials and standardized test-taking skills indicative of a successful applicant to medical school
- Overall grade point average (GPA) = 3.0 for a minimum of 60 credits
- ACT composite score = 21 or SAT verbal plus math score = 990
- Biology, chemistry, physics, and math (BCPM) GPA = 3.0 for a minimum 30 credits (27 credits if math requirement satisfied by 3 credits of calculus)
- Be a legal resident of Mississippi.
- Plan to complete an internship/residency program in a primary care specialty: Family medicine, combined medicine-pediatrics (med-peds), pediatrics, general internal medicine or obstetrics-gynecology.
- Evidence that an applicant is likely to practice in a rural or medically underserved community in Mississippi based on residence in such an area and/or experiences (exposure to the medical profession, volunteer/community service and leadership) in rural or medically underserved areas.
- A strong work ethic, determination to succeed, ability to overcome setbacks and age-appropriate professional behavior based on faculty evaluation letters, personal recommendation letters and personal circumstances (employment during school, family responsibilities).
- Intent to participate in all academic enrichment programs offered by the MRPSP by signing the Integrity Agreement.